These last few years have done much to garner peoples’ attention on several topics, not the least of which is politics. Trust in the federal government is at an all-time low and, provincially, depending which province one lives in, it’s the same. Thankfully, Albertans have fairly solid representation with our provincial government, freeing us to focus on other matters. Municipal politics and the activities therein are getting noticed and, in a lot of cases, what we are seeing is not good.
When we elect a Mayor and Council, there is an expectation that we can trust them to make proper decisions for our communities. Every municipality has a Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) hired by Council who oversees and manages all the operations of that municipality. It is a very powerful position, not to mention lucrative. Even small municipalities often pay their CAO’s multiple six-figure salaries.
One of the many duties of these appointed bureaucrats have is to work with heads of the various departments and come up with Area Concept, Structure, and Development Plans. Outside consultants are very often brought in to help create them. Those plans are then presented to Council for review, discussion, and to be voted upon. Sometime later, the CAO and his/her administration go back to Council asking them to pass Land Use Bylaws to facilitate those plans. This all sounds well and good until it isn’t, which is what many municipalities are experiencing now. Additionally, municipal departments come to Council seeking funding to cover their budgets without a lot of transparency as to where all that money is going.
We have over 300 municipalities in Alberta and, thank goodness, not every municipality is being run poorly or inefficiently. However, if your property taxes continue to climb (looking at you, Edmonton), and debatable decisions are being made while questions are left unanswered (looking at you, Edmonton, Calgary, and others), that is not good.
There are currently a number of municipalities in our province being investigated and/or potentially audited for various reasons. We have also seen recall petitions circulated. We also found out the legislation around recall is severely lacking and will, therefore, be revisited. The political problems municipally can be overwhelming making it hard to know what to do or where to start.
It used to be that holding public office was an honor. When the people put their trust in you, it should not be taken lightly. It also used to be that those who worked for the government were called ‘civil servants’. Their job was to serve the community within their government role or position. Yet, in a very short period of time, government ballooned into a system of departments, bureaucrats, and unions, insulating everyone within from outside scrutiny. While the tendency is to blame ‘the system’, it is the people within the system creating the problems.
What really makes this sting is that the people creating the problems, while wasting stupid amounts of ‘government money’ on projects, are the same people sitting in the bleachers beside us at community events on Saturday and sharing a pew with us at church on Sunday. We run into them at the grocery store and local coffee shops. They are our neighbors, family members, and friends.
So, what’s the solution?
Just about every piece of information you could ever want or need about your municipality can be found on its website. Take some time to click around and learn about what plans your CAO and municipal administration have come up with. Learn which councilors voted for and against the various motions. Find out what is going on in your community, what decisions are being made, and why. And don’t stop asking questions of your elected officials. Email, call, go to public hearings.
Too many of us, myself included, sat back for far too long and let ‘others’ do what we should have been doing. Now, in many cases, things have gone off the rails. The good news is there is no problem that can’t be fixed through civil civic engagement. We have already seen this in action in several of our municipalities. The people spoke, Mayor and Council were forced to listen, changes were made.
Letting outside consultants use unelected bureaucrats to determine the future direction of our municipalities isn’t good. Watching our elected officials vote upon and decide our future is excruciating. We need to take that power back by coming together to create the communities we know we need and want. A future with our local interests at heart rather than aligning with the schemes and plans of three letter agencies who couldn’t find our communities on a map.
If you breath and pay taxes, politics affects you. We all do both, so we are all affected. It can be very frustrating, there is no getting around that. Nevertheless, we have an obligation to protect and secure our future politically.
There is an art to civil civic engagement. As we continue networking with each other, creating municipal allies across the province, change will happen. It will take time and effort, but Albertans are worth it. We may even make some surprising connections and friendships along the way. I know I have and am better for it!