Coffee with Kathy
Politics • Business
Whether we like it or not, politics determines our future. To stay in control of our future, we need to stay informed. Taboo as it may be, it's time to talk politics!
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The road to Alberta's Bill 20

It is quite unfortunate that the never-ending antics of federal and provincial politics have kept us distracted from municipal politics. Most tend to think municipalities just look after the boring local stuff like roads, parks, utilities, public transportation, and recreation centers. However, much like provincial and especially federal government, municipalities have taken on much more than they ever should have.

Around eighteen months ago, alarm bells started going off like mad in our rural communities. Municipalities all across the province were updating their Development and Area Structure Plans along with Land Use Bylaws. It seemed quite sudden and very strange, especially when folks took a harder look into what was going into these documents. Words like sustainable, renewable, alternative, and biodiversity were being used to describe what may or may not be approved. Everything from the number of animals per acre, to types of outbuildings, to having more than one residence on a property was being overhauled. In some cases, the increased power given to ‘authorities’ to enter someone’s property was outrageous. In short, it looked like these Land Use Bylaws were being used to shut down small and medium sized farm operations.

More digging revealed more of the plot. Some time ago, an organization called Green Space Alliance snuck in to our province. Despite having a very small staff, they were hired by several municipalities to help ‘update’ Land Use Bylaw documents. A trail led from there to an organization called ICLEI (International Council for Local Environment Initiatives), which has ties to UNESCO, which is connected with the WEF.

Federal tax dollars, funneled through ICLEI and their counterparts, were funding plans to make sure municipalities were toting the ESG line by adopting ‘Smart Cities’, ‘Walkable Communities’, ’15-Minute Cities’, and ‘net zero communities’ along with every DEI initiative available. This is what’s behind the push for ‘renewable energy’ projects on our valuable farmland and natural green spaces. It also tries to sway what can and cannot be produced on that land. Pronouns found in every signature line of every municipal staff member, multi-colored flags and rainbow sidewalks everywhere, as well as books in our libraries that should never have been published are also part of this push.

It’s all connected. Not only did the WEF ‘penetrate the cabinet’ of the Liberal party, through the Librano’s connections, it also penetrated our Municipalities. It should also be noted that many of the municipal bylaw changes to facilitate this were either passed, or crept in, during covid.

Ah, covid… the political science experiment that surpassed all others. Albertans were just starting to see the light after the Notley/Trudeau politically induced recession, then Premier Kenney decided to implement politically motivated mandates. Why so many Albertans went along with it for so long I’ll never understand. It cost many of us dearly, and not just financially. It also cost the Premier his job, and rightfully so. We got a new Premier who appreciated just how slighted Albertans were feeling. She also recognized the independence movement was gaining momentum again.

The Constitution clearly states what is federal jurisdiction and what is provincial. Unfortunately, for several decades provincial leaders allowed the federal government to creep in where they had no business being. Not a separatist herself, Premier Smith hoped the Alberta Sovereignty Act may help. The Trudeau government had an epic meltdown and, of course, accused our provincial government of spreading misinformation and disinformation. It was quite entertaining. Since then, the Premier and her Cabinet have been doing a good job of pushing our Prime Minister and his Cabinet out of provincial jurisdiction back into federal where they belong. Trudeau and his cronies aren’t happy about this so came up with another plan.

There’s a ‘national housing crisis’ and who is going to say no to building ‘affordable housing’? Federal connections to municipalities had already been made through all the ‘green’ funding over the years; it was time to pick up the phone again. Given the mayors of both our major cities are BFFs with the Liberals, they were the logical first calls. However, neither mayor is well liked by their constituents. Given Edmonton’s mayor is the less hated of the two, though not by much, they began there. The plan was to change land use bylaws in that city to allow for ‘blanket up zoning’. This would mean where once a bungalow stood a four or eightplex could, and residents would no longer need to be advised of any upcoming change. This didn’t go over well with Edmontonians, but Council passed the bylaw anyway. Money to build those multi-family units will come from the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, an arm of the federal government. That’s not good.

After the recall dust settled in Calgary, the same thing was tried there. Most Calgarians don’t trust their mayor and the majority of council members at all. When the public hearing was announced, so many people signed up to speak, two weeks were needed to accommodate. But even after all that, it’s likely to pass regardless. That’s always what happens at these public hearings around zoning.

Recognizing explicit federal overreach in our province again, our Premier and her Cabinet announced Bill 20. The Left lost their minds. It was beautiful to watch. Municipalities exist as a ‘child of the province’ and most of the bill tidies up the Municipal Government Act. It also facilitates three very important tasks Albertans on all sides of the political spectrum should embrace. First, it forces the federal government to remove itself from our municipalities. Many of our municipal governments aren’t going to like that because they all cry poor when, really, most just have a spending problem that needs fixing. The second thing it does is allows the provincial cabinet to change land use bylaws it deems necessary. This could give Albertans another tool to use when Councils don’t listen to the needs and wants of the people. The third change is the process of how councillors can be removed from their position. This also could give Albertans another tool to use when Councillors get stupid.

For too long politics has sacrificed the needs of the people in order to advance the wants of the politicians. The federal government, in particular, has been crossing lines it has no business crossing in hopes of erasing them all together. This has put us at a crossroads and I’m not sure enough people realize how perilous the wrong decision may be. The House of Commons is quickly morphing into the House of Communism. If we stay on this ‘federal government knows best’ path, it’s more than possible the covid mandates will seem like child splay. However, if we continue on the path our provincial government has started, which is to appreciate and respect the Constitution and rightful delineation between all three levels of government, no matter who is in government, everyone will benefit.

While Bill 20 isn’t perfect and regulations are needed to clarify how it will be implemented, the intent behind it should be welcomed.

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Team Alberta: Strong. United. Sovereign. Free

If the last 119 years in Confederation have taught us anything, it’s that no matter who is in government in Ottawa, they can’t be trusted to do right by Albertans. The upcoming tariff war with the US is no exception. My last article suggested two possible outcomes, neither of which are good. However, I also pointed out that no matter the outcome, being backed into an economic corner actually provides a great opportunity to do something really good for ourselves.

With a lot of hard work, we can obtain energy, food, and job security. Once we’re both self-sufficient and self-sustaining we’ll be okay, but why stop at just ‘okay’? This could be the moment more Albertans better understand all we’ve been missing. Hopefully, an even deeper want for even more freedom will take root. The way we achieve that is through self-governance.  

Our Premier ran on a platform of Alberta Sovereignty within a united Canada and won. The UCP government has already successfully used that Act to protect Albertans from federal ...

Team Canada vs Team Alberta: A unity crisis or united more than ever?

Trumps tariffs have pushed every Canadian news outlet and most politicians into chaos. It’s understandable. Seeing a national leader take steps to look after his own people is a foreign concept in Canada. In fact, the shortcomings of our federal political leadership have become so pronounced, Trudeau doubled down on his default position. ‘Everything is all your fault, not mine… especially you, Alberta!’   

Our Premier has been working for months building relationships with politicians and policy makers in the US, making many friends and allies there. Ottawa doesn’t like that and accusations have come barreling our way as a result. The reason these tariffs are disproportionately going to affect Albertans, they scold, is because we screwed ourselves. We didn’t diversify our customer base and instead chose to do business predominantly with the US.

Seriously??? WE TRIED!!! Northern Gateway, Energy East, Bill 48, Bill 69. The rest of Canada declared loud and proud they did not want our ‘dirty ...

November 29, 2024
Immigration is a mess. What's the answer?

For years now, we’ve watched it happen in other countries. Immigrants arrive determined to make it just like the place they left. Or, they want to use their new found freedom to protest what’s going on back home. The outcome, particularly in Europe, has been complete mayhem and destruction. The warnings sent out to other western nations have been largely ignored.

“Oh, come on, that will never happen here. This is Canada!”

But it did.

Thanks to a slip of the tongue, we found out 4.9 million temporary visas are set to expire over the next year (for context, that’s basically the whole population of Alberta). Roughly 200,000 of the folks who have these temporary visas are here in Alberta (for context, that’s two times the population of Red Deer). These temporary residents are financially supported in large part by our tax dollars. We are subsidizing and supporting their livelihoods and it’s crushing us.

When asked who is going to make sure these folks go back home next year, the federal government ...

A politically strong Alberta isn’t good for Ottawa
Shh... don't tell them we know

Politics is messy and, depending how much you want to get involved, it can be downright ugly.

Though there are exceptions, Albertans don’t tend to have a lot of bandwidth when it comes to federal politics. Ottawa is thousands of km’s away and our mere 33 seats out of 334 hardly amounts to a hill of beans. Given Canada’s Parliament is riddled with one scandal after another, it’s also exhausting and depressing.  

From the beginning, our place in Confederation has been contentious. In the 1980’s it came to a head and the west wanted out. It was looking like the Alberta separatists of that generation were gaining some significant steam. If something wasn’t done, it was going to get ugly. A few Alberta federalists got together and came up with a plan. Maybe a western based conservative party would help give the west a voice in Parliament. In 1987, the Reform Party of Canada was born with Preston Manning as its leader. Stephen Harper worked hard on the project as well and, in 1993 they won 52 seats. The west was in but it didn’t take long for The Reform Party to have aspirations of winning government. That can’t happen without eastern votes so, in 2000, the name was changed to the Canadian Alliance Party with Stephen Harper at the helm.

Now there were two national conservative parties with seats in the House of Commons, the Canadian Alliance Party and the Progressive Conservative Party. In 2003, ‘unite the right’ negotiations were had and the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) was born with Harper as the Leader. So much for a western block.  

While all of that was going on federally, Ralph Klein became our premier in 1992 and really shook things up. Determined to run the province like a business, he had a mission to get us out of debt and did. Klein was also no slouch when it came to standing up to Ottawa or the anti oil and gas campaigns. Remember in 2002, when environmentalist Stephen Guilbeau trespassed onto the Premiers private property in an attempt to illegally install solar panels? Jerk.

Anyway, back in Ottawa, Calgary’s own Stephen Harper led the CPC to form a minority government in early 2006. The ‘west was in’ again but there was just one problem. A politically strong Alberta is not good for Ottawa. It’s rumored Premier Klien was paid a visit and encouraged to retire. In December of that same year, Ed Stelmach was elected the new leader.

Premier Stelmach didn’t have the same charisma or tenacity Ralph did. Now that Albertans saw what true conservatism could accomplish, we wanted more. But that was going to take someone really ready to stand up to Ottawa. Stelmach tried, but decided to step down as leader and let another take on the challenge. This is also when Danielle Smith was helping to put the Wildrose Party on the map.

From 2011-14 Alison Reford was our Premier. Prior to becoming an MLA, she advised various federal politicians and even worked for the UN at one time. Perhaps it was that experience that caused her to make the mistakes she did. Never before nor since, have we seen a Premier who felt so entitled to have anything and everything she wanted. Her spending scandals are so legendary that if she did actually do anything good for Albertans, nobody remembers.

After resigning in disgrace, Redford stayed on the down low for a while in Palm Springs, and eventually took a job with the World Bank in partnership with Afghanistan.

A former federal politician, Jim Prentice then came out of ‘retirement’ to lead the PC’s, which made him Premier in 2014. His arrogance helped the Wildrose Party gain momentum as the Official Opposition, and those in Ottawa were taking notice. Remember, a politically strong Alberta isn’t good for Ottawa.

With the help of some of his friends, including Preston Manning, Prentice convinced a number of Wildrosers to cross the floor, including their leader, Danielle Smith. Albertans were gob smacked and furious. Adding insult to political injury, before the remaining Wildrosers had a chance to regroup, in May of 2015, Prentice called a snap election. Albertans sent a message via the ballot box. Unfortunately, too many either cast a protest vote for the NDP or simply stayed home in frustration that year. Some say we split the vote and that’s true in some ridings though not all. At the end of the day, we voted the conservatives out which put the Notley NDP’s in.    

A dream come true, the NDP had no idea what to do, so they got to work destroying the province. Five months later, Justin Trudeau’s Liberals formed government and Albertans were catapulted into a politically induced recession. A mass exodus resulted and those remaining began talking about independence and separation louder than ever before. Conservatives in Ottawa were freaking out. While a politically strong Alberta isn’t good for Ottawa, Alberta’s independence from Ottawa would be catastrophic. In their eyes, anyway. The Conservatives, both provincial and federal, needed to come up with a plan.

The front runner for leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada at the time was Jason Kenney but, desperate times call for desperate measures. Chosen to take a short hiatus from federal politics, Kenney was sent on a mission to ‘save’ Alberta. He could return to federal politics later, and besides, what better platform could one ask for. In 2017, Kenney won the leadership of the Progressive Conservatives. Taking a page out of the federal conservative playbook from decades prior, ‘unite the right’ talks began. The Wildrose, now led by Brian Jean, joined forces with the PC’s and the United Conservative Party of Alberta was the result. The details of how it all went down aren’t without controversy, including how Kenney won the Leadership. In April, 2019, many Albertans held their nose while voting and Kenney became Premier.   

Six months later, the Trudeau Liberals won the federal election again. Despite having the UCP government, Albertans knew that wasn’t enough and the independence movement exploded. Never before had it been so tangible and this is where it gets a little crazy. Wexit became a household name and before long the Wildrose Independence Party (not to be confused with the original Wildrose party) was gaining momentum across the province. Polls showed support had passed the tipping point, reaching 25% support for the party and even higher than that for independence. Conservative parties, both provincially and federally but mostly federally, were freaking out. This was not how things were supposed to go and Kenney really had his work cut out for him now.

What is the best way to kill a movement? Attack it from within. And that’s what happened. It wouldn’t be long before the Wildrose Independence Party (WIPA) spiraled creating a vacuum. Part of the WIPA diaspora created the Unity Project and then changed its name to the Alberta Prosperity Project (APP). The independence movement and appetite for it continued to grow despite the independence parties gasping for air.  

Kenney continued to make mistake after mistake after mistake and Albertans were not happy with the UCP at all. He had failed his mission. Capitalizing on this emotion, Take Back Alberta showed up to help mobilize Albertans and many came together to bring about change in the UCP leadership. With the Alberta Sovereignty Act in hand, Danielle Smith became our Premier. Singing a few good lines from the Separatist songbook, UCP membership and support was growing and attendance at the next AGM was record breaking.

This was great for Albertans but, remember, a politically strong Alberta isn’t good for Ottawa.

Our Premier stood even stronger and began pushing back harder against Ottawa. Travelling to other countries, she put Alberta on the map including attending COP28. Talk continued about having our own police force and pension and as the months went on even more separatists joined the UCP, including yours truly.

Maybe because the acronym was the same, I’m not sure, but the Alberta Prosperity Project narrowed its focus to sharing the advantages of having an Alberta Pension Plan and started touring the province to educate the people. Take Back Alberta has had a few ups and downs but now encourages Albertans to concentrate on Municipal and School Board elections. Give credit where it’s due. These political organizations have managed a great accomplishment. Albertans are paying attention, getting involved, and more are acknowledging Confederation isn’t what it seems.

As we’ve seen, every time Albertans mobilize to do something that is good for us, forces come in to sabotage. Trojan horses and wolves in sheep’s clothing are the tried-and-true method. The horses are usually Albertans with ties to Ottawa. Prentice, Manning, Harper, and Kenney are all examples. The wolves are usually Albertans who infiltrate the various grassroots political movements after being promised some pie in the sky reward.  

Looking back to when Danielle Smith was leader of the Wildrose Party in 2014, the conservative movement was strong and the next provincial election was hers to win. However, Premier Prentice and Preston Manning, both federalists, talked her into a terrible decision that put Albertans and Alberta into a tailspin. Was that tailspin on purpose? I think so.

Fast forward to today with Smith as Premier, Alberta has been doing pretty darn good and feeling rather scrappy toward Ottawa. We should have known an attack was coming but instead let our guard down.

While at an event recently, our Premier ran into Preston Manning and Stephen Harper. Very shortly after, out of nowhere, former Premier Alison Redford is handed a board position. Albertans have long memories. We have forgiven Danielle. We have not forgiven Alison. This wasn’t a good move.

Almost to the day of this announcement, also out of nowhere, the 1905 Committee appears. Renaming one of Wexit Alberta’s old Facebook pages to help get its message out, part of that message is questioning our Premier’s decisions and track record.

Is this a coincidence? Whether it is or it isn’t, there’s no denying it follows the pattern. Alberta starts doing well (this time really well), conservatives in Ottawa get nervous, and suddenly there’s mayhem. It’s hard not to wonder who is bankrolling these various ‘grassroots’ political organizations that tend to fizzle out once the Alberta dust up settles.

Now that we’ve identified the problem, how do we solve it? Albertans clearly have no appetite to simply fall back in line with whatever the federal conservative party wants us to do. Blowing up a provincial party over a leaders’ bad decisions won’t get us anywhere. So, now what? We go with what we know works.  

If the Premier of Alberta isn’t doing his/her job, then either that leader needs to either get back to the business of doing what’s right for Albertans despite any and all opposition from Ottawa, or, we need to identify someone else who will. That’s the first thing. The second is, we do what we have always done when there’s a need or a crisis. We come together. So what if a politically strong Alberta isn’t good for Ottawa. That’s their problem. What we can’t do is allow trojan horses or wolves in sheep’s clothing to divide us again. Instead, let’s use this time to unite and make Alberta so politically strong, Ottawa can do nothing about it.  

Hope to see you at the AGM.               

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The Art of Civil Civic Engagement

These last few years have done much to garner peoples’ attention on several topics, not the least of which is politics. Trust in the federal government is at an all-time low and, provincially, depending which province one lives in, it’s the same. Thankfully, Albertans have fairly solid representation with our provincial government, freeing us to focus on other matters. Municipal politics and the activities therein are getting noticed and, in a lot of cases, what we are seeing is not good.

When we elect a Mayor and Council, there is an expectation that we can trust them to make proper decisions for our communities. Every municipality has a Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) hired by Council who oversees and manages all the operations of that municipality. It is a very powerful position, not to mention lucrative. Even small municipalities often pay their CAO’s multiple six-figure salaries.

One of the many duties of these appointed bureaucrats have is to work with heads of the various departments and come up with Area Concept, Structure, and Development Plans. Outside consultants are very often brought in to help create them. Those plans are then presented to Council for review, discussion, and to be voted upon. Sometime later, the CAO and his/her administration go back to Council asking them to pass Land Use Bylaws to facilitate those plans. This all sounds well and good until it isn’t, which is what many municipalities are experiencing now. Additionally, municipal departments come to Council seeking funding to cover their budgets without a lot of transparency as to where all that money is going.

We have over 300 municipalities in Alberta and, thank goodness, not every municipality is being run poorly or inefficiently. However, if your property taxes continue to climb (looking at you, Edmonton), and debatable decisions are being made while questions are left unanswered (looking at you, Edmonton, Calgary, and others), that is not good.

There are currently a number of municipalities in our province being investigated and/or potentially audited for various reasons. We have also seen recall petitions circulated. We also found out the legislation around recall is severely lacking and will, therefore, be revisited. The political problems municipally can be overwhelming making it hard to know what to do or where to start.      

It used to be that holding public office was an honor. When the people put their trust in you, it should not be taken lightly. It also used to be that those who worked for the government were called ‘civil servants’. Their job was to serve the community within their government role or position. Yet, in a very short period of time, government ballooned into a system of departments, bureaucrats, and unions, insulating everyone within from outside scrutiny. While the tendency is to blame ‘the system’, it is the people within the system creating the problems.

What really makes this sting is that the people creating the problems, while wasting stupid amounts of ‘government money’ on projects, are the same people sitting in the bleachers beside us at community events on Saturday and sharing a pew with us at church on Sunday. We run into them at the grocery store and local coffee shops. They are our neighbors, family members, and friends.

So, what’s the solution?

Just about every piece of information you could ever want or need about your municipality can be found on its website. Take some time to click around and learn about what plans your CAO and municipal administration have come up with. Learn which councilors voted for and against the various motions. Find out what is going on in your community, what decisions are being made, and why. And don’t stop asking questions of your elected officials. Email, call, go to public hearings.

Too many of us, myself included, sat back for far too long and let ‘others’ do what we should have been doing. Now, in many cases, things have gone off the rails. The good news is there is no problem that can’t be fixed through civil civic engagement. We have already seen this in action in several of our municipalities. The people spoke, Mayor and Council were forced to listen, changes were made.

Letting outside consultants use unelected bureaucrats to determine the future direction of our municipalities isn’t good. Watching our elected officials vote upon and decide our future is excruciating. We need to take that power back by coming together to create the communities we know we need and want. A future with our local interests at heart rather than aligning with the schemes and plans of three letter agencies who couldn’t find our communities on a map.

If you breath and pay taxes, politics affects you. We all do both, so we are all affected. It can be very frustrating, there is no getting around that. Nevertheless, we have an obligation to protect and secure our future politically.

There is an art to civil civic engagement. As we continue networking with each other, creating municipal allies across the province, change will happen. It will take time and effort, but Albertans are worth it. We may even make some surprising connections and friendships along the way. I know I have and am better for it!

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Running as an Independent
It just might work
It's possible the chances of scaling Mount Everest successfully are better than winning an election as an independent candidate. I get it. So why would anyone choose the hardest route to try and make a difference? Because as far as I can tell, at this particular time, the hardest route is the only one that can and Albertans are worth the uphill climb.
What is it about the legacy parties, UCP and NDP, that cause me to not want to get involved with them? They have some political quirks that make it challenging to really get things done. For example, having a party whip. That person's job is to make sure every MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) knows how the leader wants him/her to vote. There have been times contentious issues were raised and MLA's have been asked to vote against their conscience. That's a problem. It could also happen that your MLA is told to vote against how you, the constituent who voted that MLA into the Legislature, would like him/her to vote. And that's not good.
Here's another inconvenient quirk to consider. The UCP has ties to the CPC (Conservative Party of Canada), which most think shouldn't matter, until it does. For example, Stephen Harper changed the equalization formula to include 50% of resource revenue. This was a direct hit to Alberta and not one conservative MLA (provincial politician) said anything about it because, well, it was Stephen Harper. Not one conservative MP (Member of Parliament, federal politician) did either. Now, even during a recession, we overpay into equalization. A lot. And that's not good.
Speaking of being joined at the hip, the provincial NDP and federal NDP are, in fact, the same party. You buy a membership for the provincial NDP, you automatically have a membership for the federal NDP. In other words, a vote for your provincial NDP candidate is a vote for Jagmeet Singh is a vote for Justin Trudeau, both of whom are anti-Alberta to the core. This also means the local unions (and your dues) who support the provincial NDP (particularly the AUPE) are also supporting anti-Alberta legislation. And that's not good.
As you can see, there are some structural issues within the two parties, but those aren't the only issues. Career politicians have track records and Albertans tend to have long memories about these things. While Danielle Smith is making some positive changes, there is still a little bit of hesitancy. After the 2015 debacle, the majority can't stomach the thought of voting NDP. Therefore, the answer lies in a bit of unconventional thinking. And this is good.
Albertans deserve another conservative choice. The best way to provide that choice is by having an independent candidate to vote for. Once Elections Alberta gives the official go ahead that I can run, you can choose me to be your voice in the legislature. What's really exciting is there are others who see an advantage to running as independents as well. It's very possible there will be a few of us in the legislature holding the UCP's feet to the fire, so to speak. And this is great!
But, Kathy, what about vote splitting? Ah, I'm glad you brought that up and look forward to talking about it in my next post.
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